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Escudo de la Junta de Castilla y León; Página de inicio


Agricultura y Ganadería de Castilla y León

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Tierra de Sabor. Heart of Spain

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Consejería de Agricultura, Ganadería y Desarrollo Rural


The Quality Seal for Castilla y León's Finest Foods

Castilla y León, a land of flavour

Today’s consumers are more knowledgeable about the food they provide for their families and demand more information about food quality. Customers expect more from their retailers and food service providers, who in turn expect more from their suppliers. This is the reason why the regional government of Castilla y León created and de?ned Tierra de Sabor, the quality seal for Castilla y León’s finest foods.

The Eye-Catching Yellow Heart

The Tierra de Sabor seal proudly carries the name, tradition and history of the farmers who produced the products’ ingredients. Tierra de Sabor assures customers that the manufacturing facility has met the highest and most rigorous standards of food safety, quality of ingredients, and manufacturing integrity. Since 2009, Tierra de Sabor has made it possible to project a uni?ed image of the regional agro-food sector by means of a shared logo.

Tipo de publicación:

Folleto o cartelería

Fecha de publicación:

24 de septiembre de 2014

Lugar de publicación:



Junta de Castilla y León

Datos de interés:

  • Soporte: Digital - Documento pdf